Sonartrx Rapidshare !FREE!
Sonartrx Rapidshare ===>
Important: A properly functioning Sentinel (either SL or HL key) must be available for use with SonarTRX Rapidshare. Existing SonarTRX Rapidshare customers, please contact if you are experiencing problems after upgrading to v22.2.
While installing SonarTRX v22.2, you should make sure that you do not install the v22.2.x Quick Install App. This is a Compatibility Layer App that will interfere with the License Key BDPR Registration process. This App can be installed by using the v22.1.x Quick Install App and the v22.2.x Quick Install App. However, if the v22.2.x Quick Install App is used during installation, the License Key BDPR Registration section will process correctly with the new v22.2 License Key. If you do install the v22.2.x Quick Install App during an Upgrade from v22.1, you will be prompted with the License Key BDPR Registration.
You can install version 22.2 without installing the Compatibility Layer Quick Install App during a new activation. However, if you are upgrading from a previous version, please manually install the Compatibility Layer App. The Compatibility Layer App can be found on the Sentinel HL USB Dongle or the Sentinel SL fusing node. SonarTRX v22.2 does not require a new internet connection during an upgrade to version v22.2. However, if the Compatibility Layer App is installed during a new activation, SonarTRX v22.2 requires the internet connection and registration for the Compatibility Layer App.
If available, please find the Sentinel SL or HL generation tools on the Product/Upgrades page. Perform a full backup as a security precaution and follow the instructions to generate the new Sentinel keys. When new nodes are available, they can then be found for free within a few minutes of generating the new Keys. d2c66b5586