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Tip: If you can't get your files from Solidworks to Grabcad Workbench, you can get them off of SketchUp, Trimble Rhino, AutoCAD, or Adobe Illustrator. Then upload them to Grabcad Workbench to get a STEP file.
This leaves you with 3 options:1. Upgrade to Mastercam 2018 or downgrade to Solidworks 2016. 2. Export the files out of Solidworks as a STEP, or a Parasolid (.x_t) so Mastercam can read it.3. Upload your sldprt file to Grabcad Workbench and then download it as a STEP so Mastercam can read it. (I've done this method flawlessly many times) Here's a tutorial on how to do it: How to convert CAD files in Workbench
It will open the software you have currently on your hard drive. When you click on "Download for MS Windows" you will get the following instruction: Click on the down arrow and then on "yes" (if you do not have internet connect, click on the "No" down arrow)
Click on the Shift+Rec button and choose "Import STEP file" and then browse to where the.sldprt file is located. You will then get a warning that the import may take a long time. Just close that warning and click on "ok" when the file has finished importing.
timos livros. Preciso atacar a raiz do problema, investido em educacao e evitando que nossas de crianas de hoje sejam arregimentadas ao exrcito do crime organizado que cresce em ritmo exponencial. evitando as medidas paliativas adotadas hdcadas. Preciso atacar a raiz do problema, investido em educacao e evitando que nossas de crianas de hoje sejam arregimentadas ao exrcito do crime organizado que cresce em ritmo exponencial. evitando as medidas paliativas adotadas h dcadas, por vrios e diferentes governos, onde a violncia atacada com mais violncia, onde a corrupo corrobora com o aumento da misria e consequentemente leva os menos abastados ao poo calamitoso das drogas. d2c66b5586