Based on the negative movement of this update, I think the reviews are thinner. Again, a simple paragraph isn't enough, it doesn't help much to reiterate what the manufacturer has already written, the lack of strong data and visuals makes me want more, etc. I know a lot of people reading this want to see some examples of great stuff comments. Again, my intention is not to criticize certain sites, nor to draw attention to the many that have exploded. That said, there is one site that produces some of the best review content on the web - Wirecutter. I'll give an example below to highlight some of the great things they've done in the comments. I fully understand that it is impossible for many sites to match or exceed what Wirecutter does, but it is a good idea to review their content to better understand how to create great reviewed content
Provides a great structure for their reviews, full of insight<p>Wirecutter provides a great structure for their reviews, providing consumers with insightful, unique and valuable information to users Presented in a friendly manner, with clear affiliate information, author information, and more. Again, if you focus on comments, I'll spend some time there. For affiliate marketers, there's always a fine balance between being informative and getting users to Industry Email List click (so they can earn a commission). With many sites going down, member motivation is high...I feel like the pages are trying to get me to click in every way they can. The website has pictures, links, buttons, etc. I see,
Affiliates want users to click on it. But as a user looking for a product, it can get very annoying. As I've said many times in a broad base update, "hell doesn't rage like despised users". Note that the image link can be a bit misleading as some users may think it will cause a larger image to be displayed. But in reality, these images drive them off the site to buy the product. For affected sites, you should read my article on changing from general