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Effect of preincubation of sera from patients with CD (n = 36) or DH (n = 34). On the vertical axis, remaining IgA Ab reactivity against TGe is indicated in percentage of the buffer control. The four dot diagrams on the left show the inhibitory effect of preincubation with 32 ng of TGc (c) or TGe (e) on the remaining IgA Ab reactivity of sera from patients with CD and DH. The four dot diagrams on the right demonstrate the same using 1 μg of TGc or TGe for preincubation. The asterisks on top of connecting lines show the degree of significance in the difference between the two groups of samples so linked: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
Our initial hypothesis was that there was immunoreactivity specifically in the DH patient population against a further transglutaminase expressed in the skin. Four transglutaminases have been isolated from the skin, TGe and TGk are both produced by epidermal cells, as is TGc, which is also found together with factor XIIIa in the dermis. To discover if any of these proteins are antigens in DH we produced ELISAs based upon human transglutaminases. Initial ELISA studies using human recombinant TGk as well as the commercially available human factor XIIIa showed that there was no specific immunoreactivity in either CD or DH patient sera against these enzymes (results not shown). However, both patient groups had Abs recognizing TGe as well as TGc. The results from the TGc and TGe ELISAs showed a good correlation and indeed the specificity and sensitivity of the TGe ELISA came close to that of the TGc based test. However, in CD patients, the median Ab concentration against TGc was higher than against TGe, and this was reversed for DH patients (Table II), although because of the overlapping confidence intervals this tendency cannot be judged to be a true distinction. Further, the immunoreactivity for both proteins and in both disease groups showed a reduction in titer when the patients were placed upon a gluten free diet. This is in agreement with known clinical improvement seen in DH patients on a gluten free diet and the common background of both diseases.
Members of the transglutaminase family share a high degree of sequence conservation especially in their active sites. In the case of the TGe and TGc there is an overall conservation of 38% at the amino acid level, but with up to 64% homology in certain regions (19). Phylogenetically, TGe and TGc seem to be more related to each other than to TGk or factor XIIIa (10). Cross-reacting Abs against TGc or TGe in GSD patients are therefore not surprising; however, we could use ELISA blocking experiments to show differences in avidity for the different TGs between the two patients groups. As expected, TGc inhibited the reactivity of the sera from both CD and DH patients in the TGc ELISAs showing that anti-TGc immunoglobulin species are present in both diseases. In the TGe ELISA, however, inhibition with TGe could be invoked only in DH patient sera suggesting the presence of high affinity anti-TGe Abs in DH, and the presence of only of low affinity TGe reactive Abs in CD. Recently three new members of the TG gene family, type 5 transglutaminase (TGx), TGy, and TGz (Table I), have been described (10). We were unable to test these transglutaminases in our study, thus the possibility of cross-reactivity with other TGs cannot be completely excluded.
Our results prove the presence of two Ab populations in GSD, one against only TGe (detected in patients with DH only, see Fig. 5), and one directed against common epitopes of TGe and TGc (detected in both CD and DH, see Fig. 4). A third population against only TGc may also be present, but was not investigated. As shown by the differences in the IgA levels against TGc and TGe in the standard serum, the concentration of IgA Abs directed against epitopes present on TGe is much lower than that directed against TGc. This means that both in DH and CD patients, only a fraction of the Abs directed primarily against TGc have cross-reactivity with TGe. In addition, DH patients develop a higher avidity Ab population directed against only TGe. This Ab fraction also is much smaller than that against TGc. This explains why there is no apparent difference between sera of CD or DH patient groups in either the TGc or TGe ELISAs (Fig. 2, A and B) and why the TGc and TGe ELISA results from patient sera correlate. While the Ab population directed against only TGe (found in DH patients and having high avidity), can be inhibited with very small amounts of TGe, those primarily directed against TGc, (having low avidity against TGe) can only be inhibited with high amounts of TGe. Accordingly in DH patients typically a two-step inhibition curve is seen (Fig. 3 D). This further explains why preincubation of CD serum (which has little or no high avidity TGe Abs) with TGc has a greater impact on reactivity to TGe than preincubation with TGe itself (Fig. 3 C).
While affinity purification of sera of GSD patients showed that the presence of TGe-specific IgA is a hallmark of DH rather than CD, a small number of patients (10%) deviated from the bulk of results in both the blocking assay and in their behavior upon purification. These DH patients, having Ab response characteristic for CD, might currently be showing transition from CD into DH. The CD patients, behaving rather as expected for DH patients, might be expected in later life to show symptoms of DH, if they continue gluten intake.
6 Obligations to examine and to notify6.1 Licensee is obliged to examine the Software for any evident faults. An evident fault means a fault obvious to the average Licensee. Unless Licensor is notified of such faults within 14 days of downloading the Software, the warranty will expire.
The arrangements are designed for groups to sing using the 1985 edition of Hymns, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The director and the accompanist use the Hymns of Worship books. The printed arrangement book is available to be shipped to you, or it may be downloaded to your own printer. The individual numbers are available separately by download only. Choir parts are included for I Know That My Redeemer Lives, and permission is given to photocopy the parts only pages for incidental, noncommercial church or home use.
The arrangements are designed for groups to sing using the 1985 edition of Hymns, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The director and the accompanist use the Hymns of Worship books. The printed arrangement book is available to be shipped to you, or it may be downloaded to your own printer. The individual numbers are available separately by download only. Choir parts are included for I Know That My Redeemer Lives, and permission is given to photocopy the parts only pages for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. Please click the \"Order/Copyright Info\" tab for more information.
The continuing pandemic spread of SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has a devastating global impact on life, health care systems and economies by causing significant morbidity and mortality in the human population. SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped, positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus and infects host cells via binding of the viral spike glycoprotein (S) to the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor and proteolytic activation through cellular proteases1,2. The mature S protein is cleaved into two subunits S1 and S2 and organized as a homotrimer in the viral particle3. While S1 forms a globular structure essential for ACE2 binding, S2 mediates membrane fusion. Both the receptor-binding domain (RBD) and the N-terminal domain (NTD)4 are targeted by neutralizing antibodies in sera of convalescent and vaccinated individuals5,6. Thus, multiple RBD-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) are assessed in clinical trials or are approved to treat COVID-19, including Bamlanivimab (LY-Cov-555) in combination with Etesevimab (LY-COV016)7 and the REGN-COV2 mAb cocktail (REGN10933 and REGN10987)8.
Early in the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 acquired the S D614G substitution that has been associated with increased transmissibility and set the genetic foundation for the large number of B.1 derived lineages9,10. As the pandemic progressed the genomic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 increased significantly and several variants of concern (VOCs) and variants of interest (VOIs) emerged. These variants may be associated with higher transmissibility, can lead to more severe disease and/or significantly escape from antibody-mediated immunity, thereby reducing the effectiveness of available vaccines and treatments with mAbs11,12,13. Prominent examples are the B.1.1.7 (Alpha) and B.1.617.2 (Delta) variants that dominated global infections in late 2020 and 2021. These variants are characterized by specific patterns of concerning S mutations: apart from the D614G substitution, lineage B.1.1.7 has the N501Y amino acid substitution associated with increased affinity to ACE214,15 and two deletions in the NTD, among other changes. Moreover, a B.1.1.7 sub-lineage with an additional E484K substitution in the RBD has been detected in multiple countries. The E484K amino acid change is also found in other VOCs/VOIs and has been shown to reduce antibody neutralization16. A prominent amino acid change in the S protein of the B.1.617.2 variant is L452R that is also found in various other lineages. This mutation was shown to enhance infectivity in vitro and decrease neutralization by sera of COVID-19 patients and vaccinees17,18. 153554b96e
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