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Now you have to download this program and install this software,see the example and do some changes here and there this is what you have to do if you want to change icons from your system. Do you want to have the Beautiful cross-hatching for your icon? Do you want to have the Soft Heart or Burning flames for your icon? CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 has the same options you have in the menu for changing your icon. You can search for the option in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6. You can also search in the menu along with. Once you Find the option you want to change, click on it. Now click on the Shape property. This is where you can change the icon.
The corelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 is available for both 32-bit as well as 64-bit Windows operating systems. To install the software, download the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 from the official website
Once downloaded, unpack the folder by either double-clicking on the downloaded file or by right-clicking on the file and selecting Extract all from the context menu. Make sure the extracted folder is named CorelDRAW-x6-Personal or CorelDRAW-x6-Professional depending upon whether you have installed the Personal or the Professional version of the software. d2c66b5586