Macbeth Guilt Essay
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Below are a series of essay questions, with opening paragraphs and some suggestions as to what you could write about for the rest of the essay. These are not set in stone and you should work with what you find most comfortable.
Both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are destroyed by madness that comes about as a result of killing the king. Their guilt consumes them and drives them insane. Shakespeare wanted to show that killing the king, which broke the natural order (or the Great Chain of Being,) would lead to chaos everywhere and madness for those who did it.
PDF. A high-quality GCSE Macbeth essay on the theme of guilt. Suitable for AQA and Edexcel exam boards. Contains two versions: one blank version and a second version highlighted according to the GCSE Literature assessment objectives. A great resource for teaching how to structure an essay as a well as an excellent revision resource historical context, language analysis and character development.
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