John Pierrakos Core Energetics Pdf Download
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The dynamics of the energy fields of the human self and of the external and internal environments, when they are harmonious, produce a pattern of energy that is alive. This pattern is called a “graph.” This graph is the pattern that lies at the heart of my understanding of core energetics. It is the pattern of a self-contained, self-regulating energy system, a unity that is dynamic and alive.
The goal of core energetics is to strengthen and integrate the dynamic flow of energies within and among the individual and external environments, as well as within and among the hierarchies of the self. This means integrating the energies of the personal, social, and cosmic realms. It also means dealing with those energies that cause imbalance and disharmony, and therefore blocking one’s ability to fully integrate into the unified field.
In my view, unity is the fundamental reality of the human core. In and of itself, it is not a unity. Rather, it is a “cluster” of energies, the totality of which is the human being. The union of these energies is what makes this cluster a unit. Yet the cluster is a unity because it has a unique pattern of patterns, a meaning and purpose that is co-extensive with the whole of creation. Even though the various patterns of integration in my own being are not co-extensive with the whole of creation, they have a meaning and purpose that is co-extensive with the totality of creation. The “meaning” of my unique patterns of integration (more accurately speaking, the “purpose” of each of them) is to give my entire being the capacity to live in harmony with creation, to “work” with what is real, to realize the potential I have to be free. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “You cannot step twice into the same river.”
In Core Energetics, I will offer a different view of the unity of the person than the one offered by the human potential movement. I will argue that the person is not a unified whole, but rather a collection of energy entities that are unified only by a common energy flow. The interaction among them is, therefore, less of a unifying force than the continuous interchange among the entities. The energy entity that is the person, on the other hand, is a unifying force.
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