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If you or anyone you know ever downloaded a video from YouTube, and subsequently had it disappear from their computer hard drive, you’re probably familiar with this concept. BitTorrent is like the digital version; a freeloading, all-encompassing thief. Fortunately, you simply need a BitTorrent client and the right add-ons. Once you’re downloaded the files, they are yours for the taking, even if you’re offline and utilizing another computer entirely.
Bittorrent is a protocol that enables you to step outside the boundaries of any given network and spend bandwidth on other projects. The beauty of it is that it is decentralized. That means that you are not going to get blocked or restricted in any way from using it, unlike most traditional torrent trackers.
If you are not familiar with the BitTorrent protocol, think of it like this: when you download some mini-movie, or music, or your favorite Christmas song, you then download the same file to every other computer on your computer network. In that way, every like-minded person on the network is also sharing that same online resource, in what’s called a file-swapping action.
Zamunda is a simple, yet effective, torrent tracker. It requires the use of professional software that will allow you to track torrents with ease. Although less web-savvy users may find the interface a bit difficult to use, Zamunda delivers. d2c66b5586