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My research interests generally lie on designing more reliable and high-performance systems including cloud-end systems and energy harvestingsystems. To be specific, I usually repurpose existing architectural components and compiler techniques to make systems reliable against soft errorand power failure under the nonvolatile memory (NVM) scenario while reducing hardware complexity.NewsApril 2022: One paper accepted to NVMW 2022.March 2022: One paper accepted to HPDC 2022.March 2022: I will join the Computing Technology Lab of Alibaba Group, US this summer as a Research Intern focusing on computer architecture.July 2021: two papers (ReplayCache and Turnpike) accepted to MICRO 2021.February 2020: one paper (Penny) accepted to PLDI 2020.PublicationsConference Papers[TOP-TIER] Capri: Compiler and Architecture Support for Whole-System Persistence [PDF]Jungi Jeong, Jianping Zeng, Changhee Jung31th International ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC-2022), Minneapolis, USA, June 2022.Acceptance rate: 19% (21 out of 108 submissions) [TOP-TIER] ReplayCache: Enabling Volatile Caches for Energy Harvesting Systems [PDF] [PPT]Jianping Zeng, Jongouk Choi, Xinwei Fu, Ajay P. Shreepathi, Dongyoon Lee, Changwoo Min, and Changhee Jung54th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-2021), Online, October 2021.Acceptance rate: 21.8% (94 out of 430 submissions) [TOP-TIER] Turnpike: Lightweight Soft Error Resilience for In-Order Cores [PDF] [PPT]Jianping Zeng, Hongjune Kim, Jaejin Lee, and Changhee Jung 54th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO-2021), Online, October 2021.Acceptance rate: 21.8% (94 out of 430 submissions) [TOP-TIER] Compiler-Directed Soft Error Resilience for Lightweight GPU Register File Protection [PDF] Hongjune Kim, Jianping Zeng, Qingrui Liu, Mohammad Abdel-Majeed, Jaejin Lee, and Changhee Jung 41th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI-2020), Online, June 2020.Acceptance rate: 22.5% (77 out of 341 submissions)
Build distributed apps, microservicess & serverless functions that need high-performance micro persistence cluster shared by an unlimited number of JVMs. Low-latency realtime response, gigantic workloads, high-availability & elastic scalability in the cloud & on-prem hardware. 2b1af7f3a8