Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 HD Edition Update 3-BAT ((INSTALL))
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The seductive Queen of Pain knows how to hunt and haunt her prey. It is obvious that she is quite well-versed when it comes to handling damage, and for sure knows how to deal twice back to the caster. Queen of Pain is quite dominant against most mid-heroes, putting them at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to net worth. Her naturally high magic damage is quite hard for low magic-resistant heroes to tolerate. It also takes them ages to farm magic resistance to negate any sort of damage dished out by the mighty Queen.
The venomous Viper knows no bounds and is on the same list when it comes to the most hated heroes in the game. Mid-players can benefit from choosing this hero against squishy enemy heroes like Zeus, Puck, and Queen of Pain, as it is a free win! They have to use spells to last hit against the mighty Viper which in turn cost them a great deal of mana. The DPS and slow from his spells are also quite annoying to play against as a squishy low HP hero.
Zeus, the Thundergod is quite undoubtedly a great counter-pick to squishy magic resistance heroes. Zeus fares extremely well if he is laning against certain heroes as he can smite them down in the early game as soon as he reaches level six. This allows him to gank other lanes without even being there! Zeus is also an excellent farmer which allows him to acquire multiple items which help him further dominate the game. The game gets slightly icky if the enemies get magic resistance items but as long as Zeus is in the backlines, he can pump out enough damage to turn the tides in his favor.
Invoker is a quintessential mid-counter to squishy and low magic resistance heroes, and there are various reasons for it. Low magic resistance is a weakness that Voker takes great advantage of. Invoker often breaks even in the laning phase but is known to dominate the late game. Invoker fares well in the laning phase, sometimes even breaking against some annoying and aggressive heroes like Zeus and Viper. An experienced Invoker player will always try to harass the enemy midlaner out of the lane and demote him to the jungle.
Storm Spirit fares well due to his ability to escape enemies and or initiate on them. His mobility is the key factor behind his getting picked. Storm also has various ways of disabling enemies, either with his Electric Vortex or with the items he builds. Most heroes find it hard to withstand the immense magical damage of Storm in the early game, though he can be countered when they get magic immunity and disables. But by the time they acquire these items, Storm already is six-slotted and ready to wreak electrifying havoc!
Kunkka, the Admiral almighty himself, is known to be a great counter to squishy heroes due to his strength and physical damage disparity, both of which are naturally high from the early levels for the claddish general. He can effortlessly survive ganks as his high-status resistance and HP pool come to the rescue. His ultimate proves to be of great use as well as it makes sure he and his allies take the least damage in fights, allowing the fight to be in their favor. The tanky nature of Kunkka is only amplified further by high armor and high HP items.
The right items at the right time allow him to sustain himself and deal lethal magical damage without worrying about the damage dished out by both magical and physical damage heroes. Puck is equally nimble and annoying, making it hard for enemies to catch him so easily. His items allow him to catch foes off-guard and deal high amounts of damage to them. Puck does more with levels as opposed to farming, and fighting is always the priority for him.
Lina smokes her enemies with her insane magical burst damage, there is no way you recover from this arson. Lina can be called a beginner-friendly hero but only the most experienced players can understand her true potential. She can rip through enemies effortlessly, with both her abilities and physical damage output. Her AoE spells can easily demolish squishy support heroes. High movement speed allows her to rotate through lanes quickly. Lina has multiple builds which ensure nothing but pain and anguish to her opponents.
Leshrac has been a staple mid-hero in the current meta due to his reliability and readily available ungodly magical damage. Leshrac is relevant right from the laning phase, his damage shoves out enemies from the lane and forces them to purchase magical resistance items early on, slowing their progression on other more necessary items Leshrac can push lanes with his Edict, deal immense damage to heroes, and lock them down with his Split Earth. He is a consistent mid-hero and does not fall off in the late game. 2b1af7f3a8