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WhatsApp status is available to all users and people can always see your statuses or replies, so people can always see the kind of stories they post. While sharing any video on WhatsApp, people can choose status option to share that video as a status. Mostly people will use it to post any picture, video or audio that is more interesting to others on WhatsApp. For that, you need to know how to download video status from the original source to your phone.
If you're talking about downloading someone's video status, then there are several ways to do it and you must have heard about screenshot as well. That, of course, requires you to go to the original site where that video was posted and take the screenshot of it. For example, if you want to download a video status shared on WhatsApp to your phone, you need to download the video from the website where the video status was shared. Then access the video through the link present on the status.
All you need to do is to know how to access the link and download the video from which you want. That video is shared in the status according to your country. That's all there is to it, just save that file on your phone and voila! You will have the video you wanted.
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