Exe To Msi Converter ~REPACK~ Free
DOWNLOAD >>> https://urluss.com/2ta2Wl
The program is easy to use, and the conversion is done in seconds. The only problem is that it doesn't bundle the files required to run. However, if you can make the single exe contain the required files inside that will work perfectly with the converter or make a built-in file browser in the program if it doesn't find the folder so you can redirect it to the right place.
The program is easy to use, and the conversion is done in seconds. The only problem is that it doesn't bundle the files required to run. However, if you can make the single exe contain the required files inside that will work perfectly with the converter or make a built-in file browser in the program if it doesn't find the folder so you can redirect it to the right place.
I have tried the tool and it works fine, even if the exe file has more than one file. If you use the converter you have to select every file you want to include, in this example I choose all the files, if there is one that is different from the rest it will tell you that there are 2 files.
The packager is fully automated. You have to name the package and enter the location where the source files are (based on the package name). The wizard will extract the source code, create an MSI package with all the required files and will automatically deploy it to the target computer. When the wizard has finished, you are able to retrieve the MSI package and execute the MSI on the target computers (no need to run the MSI directly - it runs silently).
It is a tool that is very useful when you need to deploy a single program, provided that the exe file has all the required files. If you need to deploy a whole folder, it is better to use the GPO deployment (this option is provided by the tool).
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