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The global economic environment combined with the rapid pace of technology advancement is placing importance on reducing the cost and increasing the responsiveness of access to space systems. Based on decades of practical experience with rocket-only launch vehicles, current technology is operated close to theoretical limits and only marginal further efficiency improvement is achievable. In order to further improve the efficiency of access-to-space vehicles, new propulsion systems will be required. Airbreathing engines, and scramjets in particular, are considered the most promising alternative. Scramjets have an advantage over rocket propulsion in terms of a significantly higher specific impulse; other benefits of airbreathing propulsion for access-to-space are increased launch flexibility, such as shorter time to rendezvous with a target spacecraft, and increased launch window duration and number of opportunities. This project investigates the use of a three-stage rocket-scramjet-rocket system for transporting payloads of approximately 500 kg to a Sun Synchronous Orbit. It is believed that this mission profile meets the requirements of many missions, such as responsive surveillance of man-made and natural disasters and several earth science missions. d2c66b5586